If you are looking for exclusive Danish design items, this museum shop is a great place to start. Get inspired on your way to the shop, where you find the special Christmas design-exhibition 'Iconstructured Christmas'!
Designmuseum Danmark
Bredgade 68, Copenhagen K.
MUSEUM SHOP Opening hours:
Tuesday-Sunday: 11am - 5pm
Special exhibition: Iconstructured Christmas 1-31 December
Free admission to the shop and the special exhibition.
Admission fees for the main exhibition: Adults: 60 DKK / Under 18: free
(Free admission on Wednesdays)
Designmuseum Danmark
Bredgade 68, Copenhagen K.
MUSEUM SHOP Opening hours:
Tuesday-Sunday: 11am - 5pm
Special exhibition: Iconstructured Christmas 1-31 December
Free admission to the shop and the special exhibition.
Admission fees for the main exhibition: Adults: 60 DKK / Under 18: free
(Free admission on Wednesdays)

Designmuseum Danmarkのミュージアム・ショップはクリスマスプレゼントにぴったりの アイテムがいっぱい☆ アクセサリー、テキスタイル、本や陶器など他では見れない
Designmuseum Danmarkのミュージアム・ショップはクリスマスプレゼントにぴったりの アイテムがいっぱい☆ アクセサリー、テキスタイル、本や陶器など他では見れない